1 March 2021

February 2021 – Net Worth Update

By firebynumbers

As part of my FIRE blog I will be tracking my total net worth on a monthly basis and compare it to where I want to be when I reach my FIRE number. I will also compare it to where it was sitting last month. A summary of my assets are as follows:

Explanation of each category:


My Net property value increased by almost $5,000 over the past month for two reasons:

  • I moved $5,000 from my Cash account into my offset account


My Cash account went down by just over $3,000 over the past month. This occurred for the following reasons

  • AUD/USD Exchange Rate went down slightly to impact the value of my US funds
  • I moved some money into my Offset account


My share portfolio has decreased by almost $2,000 over the past month. I had not bought any shares over this period (my last purchase was right at the end of January and I am planning one for early March). The drop in value is due to a slight downturn in the market


Slight rise over the time period which was nice, as well as regular contributions


Minimal change from previous month

February 2021 Budget Summary

Income – TOTAL: $8,344.00

  • Normal Income: $4,084.00
  • IP Income: $4,260.00
  • Other Income: $0.00

Expenses – TOTAL: $3,890.28

  • Normal Expenses: $1,354.16
  • IP Expenses (not including Interest): $1448.01
  • IP Interest: $1,088.11

Savings Rate – 53.38%

I am very happy with a savings rate over 50%, my goal for the year is to maintain a savings rate over 40%, and currently I am sitting at 50.52% so I am delighted for the time being.

Plan for March 2021

I was meant to get my US Tax Bill this month, but had some slight complications with the tax accountant, but that has all been resolved so it looks like I will have a bit of a tax bill coming up for March 2021.