1 February 2022

January 2022 Net Worth Update

By firebynumbers

January 2022 – Total Net Worth

As part of my FIRE blog I will be tracking my net worth on a monthly basis and compare it to where I want to be when I reach my FIRE number. I will also compare it to where it was sitting last month. A summary of my assets are as follows:

Explanation of each category:


My second IP went up by $50,000 in value according to www.onthehouse.com.au which is the reason for the increase in this category. Through the money my first IP also was up $50,000 but it was only temporary and at the end of the month it was back to the original value.


Cash has also been relatively stable for the month


I said last month there would be a downturn around the corner and it was a lot closer than I expected! I have actually been lucky that the last couple of days have shown about $5,000.00 in recovery, so it has now ONLY gone down $9,000 instead of $14,000.00. Keep in mind that there was also about $7,000 deposited into shares this account, so it was really a pretty poor month in terms of shares – but it was going to happen eventually.


Similar to shares, my superannuation has gone down a fair bit which is unfortunate, but I am sure it will recover eventually.


Minimal change

January 2022 Budget Summary

Income – TOTAL: $6,714.84

  • Normal Income: $4,411.00
  • IP Net Income: $2,303.84
  • Other Income: $0

Expenses – TOTAL: $3,270.46

  • Normal Expenses: $3,270.46

Savings Rate – +51.30%

I mentioned in my 2022 goals that I was going to measure my Savings Rate differently this year. I am not going to include my IP costs as part of my expenses, and instead I will count the IP net income as in income, and my expenses will only be my actual living expenses.

I also like to track my income and compare it to my passive income, including my gains for the month.

January Normal Income – $4,411.00

January Net IP Income – $2,303.84

January Net Shares Gain – -$16,068.80

January Passive Income – -$13,764.96

After a pretty average month with shares my passive income was significantly below my work income. The benefit is that at least there will be a bargain of shares to purchase this month, although unfortunately it will be a relatively low share purchase as I do not have as much spare cash around as normal.

Plan for February 2022

I thought it was all finished, but I had one more final issue with my US Taxes, but after talking to the IRS for around an hour on Saturday morning I think I am one step closer to having it all completed. Unfortunately, I have a bit extra to pay in my taxes for late fees which is frustrating Unfortunately I will not be making a share purchase this month as I will not have enough available to make it worthwhile.

Share Purchases – February 2022

I will have to postpone the share purchase until March 2022 unfortunately.

2022 Goal Tracking

A new addition to my monthly summaries is tracking against my goals to hopefully have some accountability to ensure I do get there.

  1. Invest $30,000.00 into my share portfolio by the end of 2022

Currently achieved $7,000 out of the $30,000 goal!

  • Invest an additional $10,000 into superannuation by end of financial year

Currently $0 out of $10,000 of this goal!

  • Finish 2022 with a savings rate of 50%

Current savings rate of 51.30%

  • Read and Review 12 Financial Books in 2022

Currently have read and reviewed 2 books

  • Read 20 non-financial books in 2022

Currently have read 0 books non-financial related