Who Am I?

If you are new here then I am sure you have a lot of questions, we all do.

Why are you here?

Why am I here?

Well, I guess I cannot answer the first question, but I hope you are here for the right reasons. But I will explore on the reasons on why I am here and what I am hoping to achieve.

I guess it would be best to start with a bit of background about myself:

As of 2021 I am 34 years old, and currently live in Sydney, NSW, Australia. I studied Civil Engineering straight out of high school, spent a few years in consultancy and working on civil construction sites throughout Sydney. I then spent 5 year doing FIFO work in Coal Seam Gas up in Queensland.

After doing FIFO I took a career change and have spent the last 4 years of my life working in a foundry (extra points for anyone who knows what that is without having to look it up).

I currently have two equally wonderful kitties!

Anyway, my name is James and that is a little bit of background about me.

Over time I will be hoping to explore the life and philosophy of FIRE. I will explain the impacts it has had on my life, and hopefully be able to share some insight and some bits I have learnt along the way.

I just want to keep working my way to reach my own Financial Freedom and am really excited to enjoy the ride along the way