27 June 2021

100 Ways to Improve 1% – Part 9

By firebynumbers

This post will be another part of my series “100 Ways to Improve 1%”.

If you are on the FIRE journey, then chances are you have already modified the “big-ticket” items when it comes to your expenses, this is looking at exploring some more fine-tuning touches you can make to your everyday life.

This list has been derived from the people at ChooseFI

Below are the links to the other sections that are part of this series:

Part 1 – Exercise and Personal Growth
Part 2 – Debt
Part 3 – Emergency Fund Savings
Part 4 – Home Expenses
Part 5 – Transportation Expenses
Part 6 – Groceries and Dining Out
Part 7 – Shopping and Services
Part 8 – Internet, Phone and Entertainment
Part 9 – Travel and Sightseeing
Part 10 – Earning Extra Money
Part 11 – Investing and Retirement Planning
Part 12 – Job and Career

Part 9 – Travel and Sightseeing

71) Pack a “Go Bag”

If you are the type of person who does not mind a spontaneous trip, then you can really save a lot of money if you book a cheap last-minute flight. To make these spur of the moment adventures easy though, you will want to pack yourself a “go bag” and leave it somewhere convenient. All you need in the bag is a few pairs of clothes, a phone charger, some toiletries and whatever else you need in your day-to-day life.

You will save yourself a lot of money not only with the last-minute discount travel prices, but also not having to pay the exorbitant cost of buying conveniences at the airport.

72) Travel During Off Peak Seasons

Travelling during off-peak times is a really simple way to reduce your cost. Just about everything will be cheaper if you travel off-peak, from your flights, accommodation, even your food will be significantly cheaper if you travel outside the peak season.

Not to mention you will be surprised at the amazing trips you can have in what is meant to be off peak, for example, you should check out the Snowy Mountains outside of Winter, it really is incredible scenery that comes to life when the snow melts.

74) Use Price Alert Tools

If you know that you’re going to be traveling to a specific city for specific dates, price alert tools can save you a ton of money on flights. You simply set an alert and then the tool will notify you (via email or app notification) when the prices have dropped below average.

75) Pick Weekday Flight Departure and Return

Airlines know that people who work a standard work schedule want to travel on weekends, so the prices are increased to take advantage of this. If you really want to save some money on your trip, and you can be a bit more flexible with your flights, then try to aim for flying on Tuesday which is typically the cheapest day of the week to travel.

76) Book Rooms with Refrigerators and/or Kitchens

After hotels and flights, dining tends to be one of the biggest expenses on trips. Look for rooms that have refrigerators or kitchenettes so that you will be able to prepare at least some of the meals yourself.

Even if you only eat every second meal out, you will still get to experience the luxury of different cuisine, but still save around 50% on your dining expenses.

77) Find Free Things to do In Your Own City

It is amazing that sometimes we travel across the country to experience something new, when often there is so much in our own city that we are yet to experience. For a cheap holiday, try “being a tourist” in your own city for a weekend and experience all sorts of things that you have not done before. You will save a significant amount on costs as there will be no transport required, and if you still wanted to get away from home you can book an Airbnb for relatively cheap accommodation.

78) Learn About The Public Transport System BEFORE arriving

Learning public transport in a different city can be overwhelming at first, but if you take the time and figure out how the buses and trains work you can save yourself a lot of money avoiding expensive taxis.

I wish I had this lesson when I went to New York City and after first arriving ended up taking what I thought was a Taxi to my hotel, but turned out to be a Private Driver. The cost ended up being ridiculously higher than even a taxi, let alone a bus/train.

Also, try to walk as much as you can at your destination, you might find unexpected wonders just on your daily walk to wherever you were headed to that you would have missed sitting on a bus/taxi.

79) Volunteer in Exchange for Free Room and Board

Especially if you are able to take extended holidays, it might be worth considering doing some volunteering in a different part of the world as part of your holiday. This way you will be able to check out somewhere near, give yourself a much-needed break but save considerable money as you might be able to get free room and board in exchange for your work.

I did something like this myself in my early 20s when I volunteered at a music festival in Victoria. All I had to do was work for about 4 hours per day and then the rest of the time I could enjoy the festivities, I had a great experience and saved about $500 in festival tickets.

80) Consider Sharing Expensive Travel Accessories

Chances are, you do not get to endlessly travel, so there is little need to purchase your own individual travel accessories when you could just as easily share amongst your friends and family. Items such as luggage, power adaptors, snow gear, heavy winter coats could easily be shared amongst friends and used when they are not travelling, and lent away when you are not travelling.

81) Travel in Places Where Your Currency Takes You Further

If you are travelling overseas, then consider travelling to places where there is a good exchange rate and you can experience more with less. Typically travelling around South-East Asia is great for getting a lot of bang for your buck. It is also conveniently close compared to more expensive destinations like Europe and North America.

82) Find Free (or Cheap) Things To Do When Travelling

There is normally some cheap (or even free) ways to experience a lot of what a place has to offer. Walking tours are normally cheap and are able to give you a lot of history about your destination. Museums are also great places to explore to give you a real sense of adventure without breaking the budget.

If you are closer to nature, then hiking trails may be available which will give you amazing experiences.

83) Get Connected to Locals

Locals will typically always know the best places to go when you are in their city. They can tell you the best and cheapest place to get food, the best places to visit as a tourist that are not busy. They will be able to help you with transport around the city. The best thing is, most locals are more than willing to show off their own city to you.

Part 8 – Internet, Phone and Entertainment

Part 10 – Earning Extra Money